What are you playing today?

Gaming Chat

Guns, Gore & Cannoli and Draw a Stickman: Epic
Probably Super Toy Cars. A buddy is trying to get me back into Destiny but I hate to let it swallow me up for the entire 4th quarter of 2015 like it did in 2014 Lol
I can't decide, so I've been spending all day moving my saves to the cloud. They are not all going to fit btw, bummer.
Metal gear solid Phantom Pain and Monster Jam POD for now
Rainbow Six: Siege is what I'll play for a while then go to bed.
Last edited 09-28-2015 at 05:00 AM by Monky Spit.
Just loaded up Battlefield Bad Company 2 for the first time in over 3 years... I never really got the online achievements for it - anyone want to join me?
The Evil Within. That Akumu difficulty is kicking my butt.
I'd like to grind out the last 400 perfect attacks I need to complete Dragon Mania Legends but I don't know if I can suffer through the boredom of doing it, so it may not get completed today Lol
510 - Bridge Constructor(staged)
400 - Tembo(I didn't stage the 99 peanuts proper or that would be 75 more)
650 - Funk of Titans(staged)
1000 - Brothers(one)
450 - Trival Pursuit Live!(One) (This was one playthrough for about 45 minutes)
450 - Trival Pursuit Live!(360)
760 - Slice Zombies (Spent half of my time trying to get the stupid game to recognize me)
975 - Monopoly Plus(360)
1000 - King's Quest (360)
280 - Misc junk (Snowball Fight (360 and One), NBA Live 17, Minecraft 360, X1 and W10)
I can't decide, so I've been spending all day moving my saves to the cloud. They are not all going to fit btw, bummer.
Originally Posted by Kaens
Wait...is this an actual choice with X1? I thought it defaulted to cloud saves? Can I turn that crap off so I can stop getting anally fisted by MS & or devs losing my saves?
Wait...is this an actual choice with X1? I thought it defaulted to cloud saves? Can I turn that crap off so I can stop getting anally fisted by MS & or devs losing my saves?
Originally Posted by SG Steelhead
You shouldn't lose a save. The X1 dual saves. Locally and on the cloud. If the cloud save is lost, and the system says it cannot sync, you can use the local.

But, Kaens is talking about the moving of his X360 saves to the recently updated 2GB cloud storage for X360 games.
But, Kaens is talking about the moving of his X360 saves to the recently updated 2GB cloud storage for X360 games.
Originally Posted by futiles
^^^ that ^^^
You shouldn't lose a save. The X1 dual saves. Locally and on the cloud. If the cloud save is lost, and the system says it cannot sync, you can use the local.

But, Kaens is talking about the moving of his X360 saves to the recently updated 2GB cloud storage for X360 games.
Originally Posted by futiles
I don't know if it's the fault of individual title's auto save feature or something with the cloud itself but I've lost more progress on X1 than I ever have on any console in the past. Example, Sunday night I played a couple hours of Super Toy Cars and blew through a bunch of races, unlocking every episode and winning a bunch. Logged on last night and found three episodes unlocked...a majority of the progress unsaved. This has actually been a regular thing for me with this console. I usually just go ahead and plan on doing things twice Lol Admittedly, I do play a LOT of trash for easy points, so it could easily be a problem on the dev side rather than MS/cloud/etc. Or it could even be something I'm doing or not doing. I don't really play enough anymore to worry about it too much. It's a mild annoyance in the scheme of things.
Well it's not the problem of the cloud because there is no versioning of your cloud saves. Either you have it or you don't, so you can't loose a level or two of progress.

Now, there IS a scenario where if you have multiple consoles and you are bouncing between you can run into problems because they aren't synced yet. I don't think that is what you are describing, but your console has 512MB cache for Cloud syncs (futiles was describing) that may not have been uploaded to the cloud yet. If you went to another console before that happens, the cloud could have, in theory, the same version as the second console which would prevent any out of sync error messages from popping up.

Without having more specific data, my guess would be SG is referring to the save state where you can leave a game and come back to it. This is NOT a save, it's simply your X1 has paused the game and has it 'running' still in background. Think of it like this, you can always have three things running - OS (must be here, this is where your Kinect is wasting system resources), an app, and a game. Both app and the game will stay paused as you switch around, until you start another app or game! So if you are running DR3 play a few levels, shut it down for the night. Then the next morning you play a game of Peggle before work, when you come home and fire up DR3 again you will have "lost" all progress in DR3 because you never actually saved anything. Whenever I'm done a game, I save, dashboard, hit menu button and force quit out (keeps the play times on games accurate).

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I have never lost a save on either system and I'm positive I've played as many trash games as nearly everyone.
Well it's not the problem of the cloud because there is no versioning of your cloud saves. Either you have it or you don't, so you can't loose a level or two of progress.

Now, there IS a scenario where if you have multiple consoles and you are bouncing between you can run into problems because they aren't synced yet. I don't think that is what you are describing, but your console has 512MB cache for Cloud syncs (futiles was describing) that may not have been uploaded to the cloud yet. If you went to another console before that happens, the cloud could have, in theory, the same version as the second console which would prevent any out of sync error messages from popping up.

Without having more specific data, my guess would be SG is referring to the save state where you can leave a game and come back to it. This is NOT a save, it's simply your X1 has paused the game and has it 'running' still in background. Think of it like this, you can always have three things running - OS (must be here, this is where your Kinect is wasting system resources), an app, and a game. Both app and the game will stay paused as you switch around, until you start another app or game! So if you are running DR3 play a few levels, shut it down for the night. Then the next morning you play a game of Peggle before work, when you come home and fire up DR3 again you will have "lost" all progress in DR3 because you never actually saved anything. Whenever I'm done a game, I save, dashboard, hit menu button and force quit out (keeps the play times on games accurate).

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I have never lost a save on either system and I'm positive I've played as many trash games as nearly everyone.
Originally Posted by Kaens
Due diligence goes a long way.
I lost progress in Bridge Constructor and Stupid Snowball fight last week.. I think the sync services were down or very slow. Apparently Snowball doesn't save all of the time, I lost like 30 levels...

Developers still do a poor job of letting you know when it saved or the last time. Even when there is a checkpoint icon popping up, I'm usually focused on some other part of the screen and my brain seems to cancel it out. There were a couple games lately that were kind enough to tell me how long it's been since my last save.
Due to a broken Kinect and not really excited to dig for my spare or buy another one

Mad Max
Earth Defense Force 2017
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

I log onto both version of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain just to get the daily login bonuses, going to play that after Peace Walker.

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