GTN Fitness Gamer Group (Cycle 2)

General Chat

Alright folks, I am gearing up to start another cycle for our Fitness Gamer Group. I have opened up the creative aspect to a member of staff, abd they suggested that the ultimate reward for Cylce 2 (and subsequent cycles) will earn the exclusive and super-rare badge originally created for Zombie in PJ's challenges For The WIn

!!!! | (formerly Zombified)

That's right. The winner will not only obtain a greater physique and self confidence, but one of the rarest badges on the site.

A rare badge. If that isn't incentive enough, I don't know what is!

Here's the thing: We had great initial participation and sign-up, but unfortunatly, as the first cycle went on, a huge downward spike in participation occured, leaving really B8TINGU and myself as the only 'participants'. Therefore, there will be some changes that award active participation as well: First off is particpation penalties. Every player will be issued 10 points at the beginning of the cycle. For each week that that a member does not participate, point(s) will de deducted from thier balance. Also included are 'bye' weeks - when certain goals are met, a member could be awarded with the points for a given week and not have to actually participate. Simply playing and earning achievements, but failing to meet any goals will award a partial participation honor, indicating no scoreboard points earned or taken away. Any player who reaches 0 points after enough penalties will be disqualified and no longer tracked.

To date, I have earned almost 4k gamerscore and lost 20 pounds in the last 9 weeks. And I am lazy. I imagine some of you could really set some standards. However, gamerscore increase will be a reduced aspect of this competition, and participation will be more demanded. If you want a rare badge, healthy lifestyle, and respect from your loved ones, sign up!!

I am putting together the schedule for cycle 2, starting on September 1st. Any and all suggestions are welcome and will be carefully considered.

Members Signed up for Cycle 2:

Here's the schedule for Cycle 2:
Week Zero: August 25th to 31st
Sign-ups, goal setting, etc... - 10 points.
Recruiting Bonus - None this cycle


Week One: September 1st to 7th
Participation goal: 100 Kinect-related gamerscore minimum: +1 point
Bonus goal: Earn a Kinect Achievement September 1st or 2nd: +1 point
Leader goal: score more points than anyone this week: +1 point.
Bye Week goal: Post a photo of yourself in this read by Sept. 3rd - chance for Bye Week in week 5
No Participation Penalty: -1 point.
Scoreboard for week 1:
Marvzmitts------ 3 (Leader, Bonus, & Participation)
Preludecris----- 2 (Bonus & Participation)
B8TINGU--------- 1 (Bonus Only)
BigNev44-------- 1 (Bonus Only)
Marvzmitts------ 1 (Bonus Only)
Kaens----------- 1 (Bonus Only)
porschephiliac-- 1 (Bonus Only)
fshguy---------- -1 (No Participation)


Week Two: September 8th to 14th
Participation goal: 5 Kinect-related achievements earned minimum: +1 point
Bonus goal: Complete any Kinect Gems title: +1 point
Leader goal: Earn more achievements than anyone this week: +1 point
No Participation Penalty: -1 point.
Scoreboard for Week 2:
MarvzMitts------- 3 (Leader, Bonus, & Participation - Tied)
Preludecris------ 3 (Leader, Bonus, & Participation - Tied)
Porschephiliac--- 2 (Bonus & Participation)
Fshguy----------- 2 (Bonus & Participation)
B8TINGU---------- 0 (Partial Participation)
BigNev44--------- -1 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -1 (No Participation)


Week Three: September 15th to 21st
Participation goal: 10 Kinect-related achievements earned minimum; 200gs minimum: +1 point
Bonus goal: Post in the thread your weight increase/decrease: +1 point
Leader goal: Earn the most gamerscore on Sept. 18th: +1 point
No Participation Penalty: -2 points.
Scoreboard For 3rd Week:
Preludecris------ 3 (Leader, Bonus, & Participation)
MarvzMitts------- 2 (Bonus & Participation)
Porschephiliac--- 2 (Bonus & Participation)
B8TINGU---------- 1 (Partial Participation)
Fshguy----------- 0 (Partial Participation)
BigNev44--------- -2 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -2 (No Participation)


Week Four: September 22nd to 28th
Participation goal: 400 gamer score from Kinect-Related games: +1 point
Bonus goal: Earn 4 achievements from 4 different games each: +2 points
Leader goal: Earn more achievements from more played Kinect games averaged than anyone this week: +1 point
Bye Week goal: Post a photo of yourself in this thread Sept. 26th: Chance for Bye Week in Week 5 (No leader point)
No ParticipationPenalty: -1 point.
Scoreboard For 4th Week:
Scoreboard For 4th Week:
Porschephiliac--- 4 (Leader, Bonus, & Participation)
Preludecris------ 3 (Bonus & Participation)
Fshguy----------- 1 (Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -1 (No Participation)
B8TINGU---------- -1 (No Participation)
BigNev44--------- -1 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -1 (No Participation)


Week Five: September 29th to October 5th Bye Week for Pot Winner (Preludecris)
Participation goal: 15 Kinect-related achievements, no minimum gamerscore:+1 point
Bonus Goal: Earn 3 achievements in an online Kinect game with another participant: +2 points
Leader Goal: Have the highest gamerscore per achievement average: +1 point
No Participation Penalty: - 2 points
Scoreboard For 5th Week:
Preludecris------ 3 (Bonus, & Participation)
porschephiliac--- 3 (Bonus & Participation)
Fshguy----------- 2 (Leader & Participation)
B8TINGU---------- -2 (No Participation)
BigNev44--------- -2 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -2 (No Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -2 (No Participation)


Week Six: October 6th to October 12th
Participation Goal: 300 gamerscore from Kinect required games minimum: +1 point
Bonus goal: The Price is Right Challenge - 300 gamerscore from at least 15 achievements: +2 points.
Leader Goal: Have the most achievements but closest to 300 gamerscore than anyone: +2 points
No Participation Penalty : - 2 points
Scoreboard For 6th Week:
porschephiliac--- 5 (Leader, Bonus & Participation) (8.11gs/ac)
Preludecris------ 3 (Bonus, & Participation) (8.97gs/ac)
Fshguy----------- 0 (Partial Participation)
B8TINGU---------- -2 (No Participation)
BigNev44--------- -2 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -2 (No Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -2 (No Participation)


Week Seven: October 13th to October 19th
Participation goal: 20 achievements from Kinect required games: +1 point
Bonus goal: Lucky 7's Challenge - play 7 games earning at least 7 achievements in each game, earning a total of 700 gamerscore or more: +2 points
Leader goal: Earn the most gamerscore from Kinect required games in this week: +1 point
No Participation Penalty: -3 points
Scoreboard For 7th Week:
Preludecris------ 4 (Leader, Bonus & Participation)
B8TINGU---------- 0 (Partial Participation)
porschephiliac--- 0 (Partial Participation)
BigNev44--------- -3 (No Participation)
Fshguy----------- -3 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -3 (No Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -3 (No Participation)


Week Eight: October 20th to October 26th
Participation goal: 400 gamerscore from Kinect required games: +2 points
Bonus goal: Crazy 8's Challenge - Earn your participation gamerscore in 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 achievements (multiples of 8): +2 points
Leader goal: Earn at least 1 achievement in more kinect required games than anyone else this week: +2points
No Participation Penalty: -3 points
Scoreboard For 8th Week:
Preludecris------ 6 (Leader, Bonus & Participation)
porschephiliac--- 0 (Partial Participation)
B8TINGU---------- -3 (No Participation)
BigNev44--------- -3 (No Participation)
Fshguy----------- -3 (No Participation)
Kaens------------ -3 (No Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -3 (No Participation)


Week Nine: October 27th to November 2nd
Participation goal: 25 achievements from Kinect related games. +2 points
Bonus goal: Nine On The Line Challenge: Earn 900 gamerscore from one Kinect game OR 100 gamerscore in each of 9 different Kinect games +3 points
Leader goal: Earn the most Kinect achievements +2points
No Participation Penalty: -3 points

Scoreboard For 9th Week:
Preludecris------ 0 (Partial Participation)
porschephiliac--- 0 (Partial Participation)
B8TINGU---------- -3 (No Participation)
Fshguy----------- -3 (No Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -3 (No Participation)
BigNev44--------- 0 (Not Tracked)
Kaens------------ 0 (Not Tracked)


Week Ten: November 3rd to November 9th
Participation goal: 500 gamerscore from Kinect related games. +3 points
Bonus goal: Big 1K Challenge: Earn 1000 gamerscore from one game +3 points
Leader goal: Earn the most Kinect gamerscore +3 points
No Participation Penalty: -5 points
Scoreboard For 10th Week:
Preludecris------ 0 (Partial Participation)
porschephiliac--- 0 (Partial Participation)
B8TINGU---------- -5 (No Participation)
Fshguy----------- -5 (No Participation)
MarvzMitts------- -5 (No Participation)
BigNev44--------- 0 (Not Tracked)
Kaens------------ 0 (Not Tracked)


Leaderboard After Week 10:
Preludecris------ 37
porschephiliac--- 26
Fshguy----------- 1
B8TINGU---------- 0
MarvzMitts------- 0
BigNev44--------- 0
Kaens------------ 0

Gamerscore board:
Preludecris------ 4235 (+50)
Fshguy----------- 1355 (+0)
Marvzmitts------- 835 (+0)
B8TINGU---------- 515 (+0)
BigNev44--------- 40 (+0)
Kaens------------ 5 (+0)

Achievement board:
Preludecris------ 221 (+1)
porschephiliac--- 134 (+1)
MarvzMitts------- 77 (+0)
Fshguy----------- 49 (+0)
B8TINGU---------- 16 (+0)
BigNevv44-------- 3 (+0)
Kaens------------ 1 (+0)
Last edited 11-12-2015 at 06:14 PM by porschephiliac.
I'm in as well, got a few Kinect games I didn't start last cycle.
I was thinking of implementing a recruitment bonus too. Refer some members and friends to this group and you may be awarded with some bonus points.

I am still building the full schedule, which (thanks to Keans suggestion) will be posted at the beginning - all goals, bonuses, etc... so everyone can plan accordingly. I will edit this thread's first post with it. Unfortunatly, I left it on my jump drive at work, and so I will be working the remainder through email utnil I am back Monday.

2 days left for week 10 of the first cycle - good luck!!
Alright, I updated the first post with the first 3 weeks fo cycle two. I will post the rest later. I wanted you guys to get a head start!

So far the list includes:

We can do it!
Starting tonight at midnight GTN time is cycle two of the fitness gamer group!!

If you haven't signed up, you must do so today. Late sign ups will be considered individually.

I have been laid up since Friday with an aggravation of my old army spine injury, and I am still looking forward to playing with you guys! This first week will be the easiest, but as this cycle continues, the difficulty will be ramped up considerably. The big prize is that awesome badge that only 4 members have at the moment - Zombiefied (pending a name change, I believe). Even though I won last time, I am still going to try hard to win again - if I do, maybe 2nd place will get the badge. I'll have to consult the bosses.

So, sign up, get ready, this will be a blast!
I've edited the first post with additional schedule I for,action and Bye Week goals. How that will be implemented will be this: each time you complete a Bye Week goal, I will put your name in a hat. At the start of week 5, I will pull a name - that person gets all points for that week and don't have to actually participate. It's a double edge sword however- the member with the most points and most achievements for the cycle will be honored, so taking a week off might hurt you later.
Awesome ideas Porsch, looking for to competing.

I'm going to tear myself from Mad Max and MGS5 for this!

Now to move the couch...
Awesome ideas Porsch, looking for to competing.

I'm going to tear myself from Mad Max and MGS5 for this!

Now to move the couch...
Originally Posted by BigNev44
oh, don't get me going on mad max... I am having a hard time not paying bills so I could get a One and that game - its most tempted I've been so far!!! My nephew has a PS4, so I thought about getting it on that, just to play it. I am an obsessed fanboy... Big Grin
oh, don't get me going on mad max... I am having a hard time not paying bills so I could get a One and that game - its most tempted I've been so far!!! My nephew has a PS4, so I thought about getting it on that, just to play it. I am an obsessed fanboy... Big Grin
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
I'm a huge fanboy of the franchise myself so i hope you are able to get and play it cause it's really good, i've been watching some streams on Twitch all weekend cause i've been fiending for it since they first showed gameplay of it.

I'm not even playing it until i get some stuff with the Kinect done cause i don't want to mess this up again, lol
I'm a huge fanboy of the franchise myself so i hope you are able to get and play it cause it's really good, i've been watching some streams on Twitch all weekend cause i've been fiending for it since they first showed gameplay of it.

I'm not even playing it until i get some stuff with the Kinect done cause i don't want to mess this up again, lol
Originally Posted by BigNev44
It is the most tempted I have ever been on buying a One, I swear. I am still considering pissing off the wife and doing it on my way home from work today. I am already picking up my Bluray of the movie today, sooooo..... might as well, right? lol

I was watching some twitch too, and a few Youtubes on it - oh man.... it IS so good, just like Fury Road!
Alright boys, we're officially off and running! Day One of competition started 14 hours ago... I have 10gs in 2 achievements so far. My average weight of the last 3 days is 181 - my goal is 170-175 at end of cycle 2.

What are your starting weights and goals? Remember, earning an achievement today or tomorrow gets you the bonus point for the week! Posting a picture of yourself (before) by Thursday enters you into the Bye Week drawing! This is an easy week guys, we should all be earning most of the available points easily this week - so let's do it!!

I want a 6 way tie for 2nd place (Someone has to get more points than anyone...)
I got 2 achievements for 75 gs yesterday. 1 point for me. Ill post a picture today as well. I don't really have a goal I'm aiming for I'm just doing this for fun. I hit the gym 4 times a week with high volume lifting and I do my cardio after my workout.

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