C64 Mat's Over 2k GS Collection - Updated!

Gaming Chat

Gamerscore 461,880 is now available - the list is up to date!

I now have a formulated spreadsheet which keeps my totals up to date as I add games.

Coming soon... Pricing! That's right, you'll know exactly how much you've spent on this trash Big Grin

Once the spreadsheet is complete, I may share it in one form or another so you can keep it however you like. I will of course be updating a master copy which I'll always work from to keep my GTN Over 2000 collection up to date!
Last edited 08-10-2023 at 07:55 PM by C64 Mat.
Here's how it's looking at the moment:

Total cost in GBP now added, along with breakdown per system. Some games (namely Cold Silence, Sig.NULL and Sig.NULL (windows)) have been removed from the store, and as such I can't provide a cost for them. Also note that Agriculture gives you both versions (Xbox and Windows) regardless of which you actually buy, so you can only buy it once. Hence I've listed that game at it's price of £4.19 just once, and put £0.00 in for the second version.
Bjorka Madness update added for Tony and Clyde (Gamerscore 500)

Last edited 08-15-2023 at 05:59 PM by C64 Mat.
List updated with Fruit Adventure
Here's how it's looking at the moment:

Originally Posted by C64 Mat
Nice! This will be very helpful to a lot of people.
Nice! This will be very helpful to a lot of people.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
Thank you! The downloadable version in the OP has all the prices and everything.
Dark Burial (two versions) added. Printable list to be updated soon.
This will be very helpful
Originally Posted by QuiCkz Ninja
Thank you! Spread the word, let's get some traffic to this site.

Also - PDF updated with new info and prices. Link still in OP as usual.
Last edited 08-24-2023 at 05:12 PM by C64 Mat.
why not a link to the spreadsheet instead of a pdf? Can't you make a protected sheet that a user would have to save a copy for themselves to edit anything, perhaps to update their own collection, or filter by platform or price? pdf's are harder to edit and aren't easlly sortable.
why not a link to the spreadsheet instead of a pdf? Can't you make a protected sheet that a user would have to save a copy for themselves to edit anything, perhaps to update their own collection, or filter by platform or price? pdf's are harder to edit and aren't easlly sortable.
Originally Posted by Hotdogmcgee
I will eventuall when I'm happy with the layout and filters.
Four more titles added (2 games plus Windows versions) for Gamerscore 8,000.

Spreadsheet TBU.
DPS Idle added, two versions. Still to update spreadsheet.
Foxes Need to Eat added, 2 versions.

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