Shred It!

Shed It

This game is a snow board collector challenge game. The graphics a supposed to be paper (as in shred it) and are not too bad for a smaller game.

Game play:
To start the controls handle fine left, right, jump (a) and slide (b) plus bark (x) when the dog character is unlocked.
There are multiple characters to unlock. These characters can be unlocked in two ways earning the criteria or purchasing them with the in game currency.
There are three modes Checkpoint Challenge, Chill Session and Endless Mode. Endless is the mode to collect all things.
Leaves are one but these are easy to find as they will be all over the course. Feathers are gold and there are 3 per section if you collect all 3 you get gold bonus leaf piles at the transition to the next stage. Acorns, easier to get with the dog he scares away animals, have to be obtained before the squirrel or raccoon get them. Stickers well they seem to be random and they are divided into sections each stage has so many to obtain.

Control glitches on occasion moving to far left/right when you try to go the opposite direction will act like you cannot move, the second one I noticed is after jumping where you then hop and have little control unable to jump which can lead to misfortune.

Not a horrible game it has a nice look and feel but with what little is actually in the game this is one that should be left for when it goes on sale.
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